This entries contains shorter posts. They are for my own usage, a way to track down what I do on a more regular basis, without the aim to communicate to the greater audience. Remember when you solved a problem or took a decision, but forgot about it ? This lab notebook will help me.

Adding Videos to my rss feed aggregator

Some days ago, I discovered that Youtube channels had their own rss feed. This was completely unknown to me and immediately I thought of improving my rss feed aggregator tool. Now, mixing videos and articles could make the feed quite bloated which is not what I aim. The time I want to watch a video and the time I want to read article are not the same. As such, I just added the video feed to a new field in config, so it build a new page.
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Experimenting with the light system in Godot - 02

More goofing around with godot and it’s light system. I redrawn another car interior, put some music and an animation rocking. And it’s really nice! There should have been a video here but your browser does not seem to support it. I then drew some anime girl and wanted to animate it as well. For my limited time and skills, I just picked the “squigly line” style, where you redraw the body a second time.
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Experimenting with the light system in Godot

Since a little while, I have a visual novel idea, which would be a road trip in a old car. I was doodling around, trying to get a mock up for the background when it came to me that Godot have a 2D light system that could add a great mood. Fiddling around with the tutorial and light masks I finished ending up with this, which is pretty cool:
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Finished my VN Engine project

I finally finished my VN Engine. Well, “finished”, the backbone that make it more usable for me, than using a already made engine. I am pretty happy with the final result. For a reminder, it can: Parse a text into tokens Create a tree from this tokens Interpret Nodes from Tree to call different Godot functions Recognize resources in the game and set them up, before loading the scene. Reading texts and attributing it to characters Trigger godot events and play animations Load next scene on another file Have a simplified choice system, where further animation/text can be triggered.
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Analytics, permissions and https

Putting the rss aggregator server on https I simply went with let’s Encrypt and followed certbot instruction. It crashed mid way, not able to parse my nginx configuration. Finding in which section to put the certificates was a bit troublesome, but I figured it out eventually. I went to use Nginx docs for it, which are well written. Before that, I would use Linode tutorialswhich are very nice too, but lack in explanations.
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