I finally finished my VN Engine.

Well, “finished”, the backbone that make it more usable for me, than using a already made engine. I am pretty happy with the final result.

For a reminder, it can:

  • Parse a text into tokens
  • Create a tree from this tokens
  • Interpret Nodes from Tree to call different Godot functions
  • Recognize resources in the game and set them up, before loading the scene.
  • Reading texts and attributing it to characters
  • Trigger godot events and play animations
  • Load next scene on another file
  • Have a simplified choice system, where further animation/text can be triggered.
  • Once choice is selected, it goes back to the rest of the tree.

From there there is still a lot to do (mainly saving, going backward) but writing a Visual Novel can be done relatively painlessly! I’m pretty happy to finally finish this project, because it was getting me stuck to pursue other things.

I will present it on my blog of course, but I need to draw one or two characters before showing it to the world.