This entries contains shorter posts. They are for my own usage, a way to track down what I do on a more regular basis, without the aim to communicate to the greater audience. Remember when you solved a problem or took a decision, but forgot about it ? This lab notebook will help me.
Godot Trick: Resource Loader

I often see people asking online how to load resources or scenes that are not already loaded by the main scene or the script you’re running. The first answer I see is dumping everything in an autoload.
This works and it’s fine. It’s a valid approach.
However you will always have whatever you put in your autoload in memory at all times, and maybe you don’t want that.
What I usually do, is defining a loader per type of resources or scene that I need to be shared across my codebase.
Let’s have some water

I’m working on a small game called Goblin Dungeon. The environment will be 3D with 2D billboarded sprites, like Paper Mario.
There should have been a video here but your browser does not seem to support it. Unlike most tile-based dungeon crawlers, I will have elevation. That means you will be able to take stairs, fall, jump, fly, and of course fall into pits.
To make the level design more interesting, I wanted the player to be able to fall great distances without breaking their knees.
Meet your doom: The Lich

I’m working on a small game called Goblin Dungeon. The environment will be 3D with 2D billboarded sprites, like Paper Mario.
Here is the Lich. Overworked during his life, he takes it easy in the afterlife.
There should have been a video here but your browser does not seem to support it. I have a sort of nice pipeline to draw my assets:
I drew it using Clip Studio Paint.
Backing up some youtube videos
I spend most of time lately programming my games, but lately, in preparation for a trip to Japan, I started learning Japanese. There is this set of videos about Japan grammar that are well thought and presented, however, it’s creator passed away recently.
Now, I am not sure what will happens to the videos. There is this saying that once something is on internet, it never dissapear, but it’s simply untrue.
Taking time to try new things
Playing with shaders I never touched this subject before, but a video from Kishimisu made me look into it. The video was so great, that I decided to implement his tutorial in Godot and add a few knobs, to be able to play with it interactively. This is deployed on here and you can play it in your browser.
Goblin Dungeon I started a new project with dices and goblins.